Wednesday, February 2, 2011


it is 14 degrees out right now and i'm surrounded by frozen water
so it seems fitting that this post might be about water as well :-)

so my main new years resolution was to drink at least 8 glasses of water
every day (which being a caffeine addict is sometimes hard to do).
so i made a bracelet with 8 beads to remind me of my resolution
(which i've been doing fairly well on so far!)

if you happen to jump on my water boat and
make a bracelet of your own send your pics in!

i snagged these great boots at target for a stellar $12
bucks on clearance last week and this terrible weather
gave me a chance to try them out - super comfy and
for $12 how could they not be winners?

back to the water feature....

my favorite thing about winter are my baths!
and nothing helps me relax and unwind like a good soak
and some scented epsom salt. there are so many medical
benefits to soaking in epsom salt - relaxes your pores, smooths
and softens your skin and most of all leaves you relaxed and ready
for a great nights sleep! my fav is the eucalyptus scent and when
i don't have time for a full bath my feet love the peppermint soak!
pick a bag up at target, walmart or even walgreens & cvs,
light some candles and just r-e-l-a-x.

this brings me to my latest hobby endeavor!
this weekend i'm scenting my own epsom salt and making
homemade soap! homemade soap is so pretty and will be
great for thank you presents or a house warming present!
i'm thrilled at the idea!

if you've made soap before, send me your tips!

stay warm. be safe.

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